Iron Carbon diagrams over the Years

By:Cees van de Velde
First Edition: August, 2000

Year of publication:1924
Author :Karl Daeves
Source :Werkstoffausschuss Nr.42.

This diagram was published by the Institute of german Foundrymen and provided a unified view of the reactions and transformations that occurred in iron carbon alloys at specific temperatures.
The structural components found in iron carbon alloys were also given a fixed name.

Image iron carbon diagram VDE 1924

German-English Translation.

Einheitliche Buchstabenbezeichnung des Eisen-Kohlenstoffs-diagramms=Specific use of capitals in the iron carbon diagram.
Doppeldiagramm Eisen-Zementit und Eisen-Graphit=Double diagram iron-cementite and iron-graphite.
Die punktierten Linien beziehen sich auf das Eisen-Graphit system=Dotted lines refer to the iron-graphite system.
Das Gebied der Loslichkeit des Kohlenstoffs im a-Eisen ist der besseren Deutlichkeit halter besonders herausgezeichnet.=The field showing the solubility of carbon in a-iron has been drawn separately for reasons of readability.
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