Iron Carbon diagrams over the Years

By:Cees van de Velde
Last revision: January 15, 2004

Year of publication:1909
Authors :N.Gutowsky
Source :Zur Theorie des Schmelz- und Erstarrungsprozesses der Eisen-Kohlenstofflegierungen, Metallurgie, Vol. (1909),pp.731-743.
(On the theory of melting and solidification processes of iron carbon alloys.)

Many of the presented diagrams were drawn on a theoretical base. In this diagram, drawn by Gutowsky, all actual measurements, known at that time are plotted.
Note that the graphite liquidus line (BD) is only based on two measurements. These measurements ly so close together that they fall well within the variations of measurements made on the austenite liquidus line (AB).


German-English Translation.

Translation Stabile Gleichgewichte=Stable equilibrium
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